Fertility Guide: Finding the root

When I first starting treating fertility clients I noticed a common theme throughout their journey, the struggle to find something that was wrong so that they could fix it...Or better yet so I could fix it.  There was a yearning to find that one thing that was broken or impaired so they had something to blame for the outcomes they were getting. The disappointment, month after month wears on anyone going through this even the doctors who also want to make their clients happy and change their lives forever.

But, what if the journey was a part of the process of becoming a parent? What if the ups and downs were exactly what needed to happen to get to where they wanted to go. What if this was exactly what would prepare them to become parents? 

Let's change the story and uncover the root and become empowered on the fertile journey...I have put together a FREE guide to help start the process. 

FREE Clinician's Guide to integrative fertility. Get my integrative approach to infertility, pcos, poor ovarian reserves and more...Start making a bigger impact helping patients with the integrative fertility.

Guide to Integrative Fertility: Finding the Root



What is a fertility diet?

What is a fertility diet?

Maybe you have been drinking and eating things that you know you shouldn't. When eating for fertility instead of thinking about cutting back or eliminating foods it's good to think about adding healthier foods and habits into your life. Too many times we get caught up in the day to day activities with eating out and having a glass of wine to wind down after a busy day...Most women know they need to get enough fruits and veggies in their diet and adequate protein and such but what happens in real life sometimes gets in the way. So what we have found is that people do better in an environment when they have the right support and accountability to follow through. This is why we created the ecofertilitymethod support sisters:) 

Join a group of amazing women to clean up your diet and prepare your body for pregnancy. We all know that it's a little easier when we do it together.  

Here's the link to join us, don't delay as there is never a better time than now. 





What is an Integrative Fertility Coach?

A lot of people have been asking me what exactly is an Integrative Fertility Coach and what is it like being a coach.  So, I put this video together to answer this burning question.

Starting a coaching practice is easier than you probably think.

I just made this video for you!

Watch Here

The Certification is now open until Friday at midnight to take advantage of the special pricing.  If you are feeling called to do this work in the world then take the next step and join us on this amazing journey.

Join now!
Use Coupon Code: Dreamshappen2016
• The coupon code is only valid until midnight on Friday

Creating change takes hard work...

How many times in your life have you heard that if you want to change something you must work hard at it. And when you work hard for a long time you might achieve the results you are looking for.  What if I told you that you were doing it all wrong? What if I told you that it could be easy.  What if I told you it could be done with comfort and ease and that it doesn't need to be hard at all.

Time and time again I get clients who push themselves, and push themselves really hard to achieve the best results, and some of them are really good at it.  They are the master pushers....

But what is it costing them? It costs them time with their loved ones, connection, their health, their sanity...all so they can get ahead or achieve their goals,  but they forget about the journey. They spend all this time pushing to get to the end but the end keeps getting farther and farther away.  It's like that reoccuring dream where you are running and running but not getting anywhere. Or trying to scream but no sound comes out. 

How long can you keep it up? Usually you can keep it up for about 30 days or so then you succumb to exhaustion, sickness, headaches, and generally don't feel well but have no idea why.  You know the story when you have these high hopes of joining the gym and exercising every day and then 30 days later you have several injuries and muscle fatigue so you have to stop. Or when you are just going to put your head down and work really hard to get a head on your bills then when you look up you've lost touch with your friends, your family and have gained 10 pounds.  Its like you create an environment where your body screams balance...but do you listen?

Do you know how to listen?

Have you ever noticed that when we don't listen the signs just keep getting louder and louder until we have to? Maybe you get anxiety, palpitations, feelings of impending doom, or feel like there is no way out of it...

I have realized over the years of treating thousands of clients that pushing hard and making something happen is no way to live and ultimately sets you up for disaster.  We must listen to what our heart is telling us so we can find our path.  The path that is in service to ourselves so we can stop pushing so hard to make things happen but to just listen to our heart for what we truly need and ultimately what we truly desire...

Who are you going to listen to?

Are you ready to let go of the struggle?

"Live the life you love...."-Angela Tisci, Acupuncturist and Integrative Fertility Coach

3 of the Best ways to know when you are fertile...

The most  effective ways to track fertile days that cost ZERO dollars is to:

Fertile mucous-eggwhite vaginal mucous that stretches up to 9cm on fertile days

Cervical position-up and open, the cervix will be deep in the vagina and have a slight opening you can feel with your fingertip(as opposed to when menstruation happens and the cervix is close to the vaginal opening)

BBT Charting-this is a great way to see if ovulation has happened and when.  Must be done at the same time every day before getting out of bed.

BONUS:Then there is one more way which I use a lot for my clients which is the smiley face Ovulation test kits(not a cheap investment). They are by far the best ones and most reliable.

Happy baby making!!

